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Most teaching occurs at the Centre Universitaire des Saint-Pères, and every academic student/researcher is welcome to attend the lectures. The teaching at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, ICM and Institut de l’Audition is restricted to the PNC students.
Paris Descartes
The Centre Universitaire des Saint-Pères (CUSP) of the Paris Descartes university is located at Saint-Germain-des-Près. This neighborhood was the headquarters of numerous artists, philosophers and politicians in the 20th century.

Finding your way in the CUSP
Once in the building, go to room Lavoisier C on the 3rd floor. Direction will be indicated but go the main entrance (2 sets of big black doors), through lobby- large hall, back of hall on right lifts to 3rd floor. Then left out of lift walk past main staircase to Lavoisier C. See the plan below.
Bags are checked routinely and ID may be requested.
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