2024 Dates are 15-28 May

All lectures at the Centre Universitaire des Saints Pères are open to parisian academic students/researchers. You don’t have to let us know in advance, just show up (see the contact page for direction information).


Everything with an @ or in red are only open to Paris Neuro Course students and specific guests.

WEDNESDAY – May 15th

09:30  Welcome and introductory information – Boris Barbour

11:00  Basic OpticsGuillaume Dupuis

14:00  Electronics primer – Marin Manuel

16:00  Overview of methods in optical microscopy – Brad Amos

18:00  Electronics of patch-clamp amplifiers – Boris Barbour/Hubert Affolter

THURSDAY – May 16th

09:00  Light sources – Martin Thomas

11:00  Setting up DIC, resolution in the optical microscope – Brad Amos

14:00  Optics and electronics benches

18:00  Lasers for one and two photon excitation – Gail McConnell


FRIDAY – May 17th

09:00  Fluorescence excitation – Marie Erard

11:00  Extracellular recording – Clément Léna

14:00  Optics and electronics benches

18:00  Whole-cell patch-clamp in slices – Boris Barbour

SATURDAY – May 18th

09:00  Light detectors – Klaus Suhling

11:00  EMCCD and sCMOS cameras – Jeremy Graham

14:00  Optics and electronics benches

18:00  Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) – Klaus Suhling

MONDAY – May 20th

09:00  Voltage and sodium imaging – Marco Canepari

11:00  AOD-based two-photon microscopes – Stéphane Dieudonné

14:00  Optics and electronics benches

18:00  Miniscopes / OEPS – Ceci Herbert

TUESDAY – May 21st

09:00  Genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) – Vincent Villette

11:00  Deep two-photon imaging in vivo – Laurent Bourdieu

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Fluorescent calcium indicators – Brandon Stell




WEDNESDAY – May 22nd

09:00  Introduction to optogenetics – Guillaume Dugué

11:00  Glutamate sensors – Katalin Török

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Neuropixels – high-density extracellular recordings – Tim Harris

THURSDAY – May 23rd

09:00  Welcome @ ICM – Brian Lau

09:10  Tissue Clearing and Image Analysis @ ICM – Nicolas Renier (Elisa De Launoit & Charly Rousseau)

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Light sheet imaging in vivo – Georges Debregeas

FRIDAY – May 24th

09:00  Transgenic approaches to label neurons @ IdV – Jean Livet

10:00  Wavefront modulation for single and two-photon patterned activation @ IdV – Emiliano Ronzitti

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Open Ephys – Josh Siegle (virtual) 

SATURDAY – May 25th

09:00  Spike-sorting – Aurélien Wyngaard

11:00  Viral expression strategies – Jonathan Bradley

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Photolysis– Federico Trigo (virtual)

MONDAY – May 27th

09:00  Demonstrations@ IBENS

14:00  Hands-on workshop

18:00  Imaging single molecules in live cells – Marianne Renner

TUESDAY – May 28th

09:00  Imaging analysis – Sébastien Wolf 

11:00   Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy TIRF – Martin Oheim

14:00  Fluorescence functional imaging in freely moving rodents – Cathie Ventalon

16:00   Super-resolution microscopy – Marc Guillon



Brad Amos

LMB Cambrige, UK

Jonathan Bradley


Guillaume Dugué


Marc Guillon

Université de Paris Cité

Alain Marty

Université de Paris Cité

Klaus Suhling

Kings College London

Nicolas Renier


Igor Delvendahl

Univ. Zurich

Georges Debregeas

Lab. Jean Perrin

Hubert Affolter

Sutter Instruments

Emiliano Ronzitti

Institut de la Vision

Clément Léna


Gail McConnell

Inst. Biophot. Strathclyde, UK

Martin Thomas

Cairn Research

Laurent Moreaux

Caltech, USA

Federico Trigo

IIBCE, Uruguay

Martin Oheim

Université de Paris Cité

Guillaume Dupuis

Université Paris Saclay

Boris Barbour


Marco Canepari

Inserm Grenoble

Jean Livet

Institut de la Vision

David Ogden

Université de Paris Cité

Marianne Renner


Cathie Ventalon


Marin Manuel

Univ. Rhode Island, USA

Ceci Herbert


Marie Erard

Université Paris Saclay

Laurent Bourdieu


Stéphane Dieudonné


Jeremy Graham

Cairn Research

Brandon Stell

Université de Paris Cité

Tim Harris

HHMI - Janelia, USA

David DiGregorio

Institut Pasteur

Josh Siegle

Allen Inst., USA

Alex Leighton


Aurélien Wyngaard